Covid 19 Update On Restarting Meetings…Latest News….
And the great News is!!!
Now that our risk assessmets have been authorized we have been the given the all clear to restart our face to face meetings with young people from week commencing 7th September…YAY!!!
Some sections have already planned their Zoom meetings so will be starting next week.
We are currently allowed groups of 15 young people with up to 5 leaders, preferably outdoors, but with the ability to move inside if absolutely necessary due to weather ect.
Because many of our sections are bigger than 15 young people, they will have to be split into bubbles, meeting alternate weeks, the section leaders will notify parents which bubble their child is in, and when to attend.
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
As always, putting the safety of our young people is our first concern.
Many thanks for all of your support through this very testing time.
Mick Judd ,
Group Scout Leader,
1st Nuneaton Scouts.