Rules of Membership
We are a uniformed organisation and uniform, as laid down by the Scout Association, is compulsory.
However, no child should be denied his Scouting for this reason. Grants and loans from the Group may be available and contact, in strictest confidence, should be made with the Group Scout Leader.
For outdoor activities, members will be required to wear more suitable clothing. Section Leaders will always advise what is expected.
The Group reserves the right to expel any member guilty of repeated disobedience, bad behaviour or disruption. This is a serious and rare offence and will only be done by the Group Scout Leader after investigation and discussion with the Offender’s parents.
From time to time pictures will be taken of your child. If you do not wish pictures of your child to be taken please inform your section leader.
Annual Membership Fee
There is an annual Membership Fee which is payable to National Headquarters and is collected by way of the monthly subscription. The amount of the fee will vary and is specified annually.
Monthly Subscription
This is apportioned to Section, Annual Membership fee and Group funds. Apportionment will vary from time to time.
Subscriptions must be paid, WHETHER OR NOT YOUR CHILD ATTENDS A MEETING. It must be appreciated that expenses are incurred whether or not your child is present. Changes of amount will be notified in advance.
Gift Aid
The group operate the Government Gift Aid Scheme; this allows us to claim 25p back from all subscriptions from the Government for all income tax prayers. Please make sure that you have filled in the necessarily Gift Aid Declaration from when your child joins that Group.
Useful Information
Outdoor Activities
Subject to age and Section, the range of activities in which members are encouraged to take part include camping, canoeing, sailing, swimming, climbing, abseiling, hiking, pioneering, archery etc.
Whilst members may not wish to take part in all of the activities, they must appreciate that it is most difficult to organise and most unfair on members generally, if good attendance cannot be relied on. Members are encouraged to at least “have a go” unless they have good reason for not taking part.
Safety and Safeguarding
The welfare of children and young people is our priority. Everyone has a duty to report safeguarding concerns, and adults must follow this Safeguarding Code of Conduct (also known as the Yellow Card)
Parents should realise that members will have to have received preliminary instruction before joining in some activities.
Useful Personal Kit
It helps if members can slowly build up their own set of “Scouting” belongings e.g. Lightweight sleeping bag, compass, rucksack, Scout Handbook, eating/cooking utensils, etc.
They all make practical birthday/Xmas presents-Leaders will be pleased to advise on the most suitable types.